Mittwoch, 9. April 2008

By by wintertime, hello sunshine ...

Again we spent the whole day outside yesturday ... it wasn´t just blue skys and sunny but also very warm already *jipiiieee*
That´s one of the great things when you have kids ... you can spend so much time outside and enjoy nature!
Everytime we go to the Prater its like a little expidition. We discover new ways to walk, new places to be, learn to know new kids, parents, dogs, animals ...
Right now bugs grab Moritz´s attention ... he lies on the ground and keeps watching them for hours (if you´let him)
The first thing he does when when we visit my parents, is moving away the flowerpots and observe the firebugs : D

And yesturday we even saw a heron (Fischreiher) for the first time at the lake ...

braided shadow of mum ...

While Moritz had his midday nap I sat again on my favorite place next to the little pond and kept working on my orders ... lovely!!!

Who does not want to nap in this ambience?

bad hair day ; )

Thats when we met Zenzi the first time ...

Zenzi smelling on Brunos feet *iiiii*

... I usually don`t "like" these dogs because they are so anxiose and nervouse (at least the ones I used to know) but Znezi was such a darling. She had such a winning character and I loved her name ... she weighs just 1 1/2 kg!!! Her holders got her from anymal life, a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals or something like that.

We made a short stop at home, had a quick meal and went to my parents right away where my husband to be blew up Moritz bouncy castle he got as a present last year !

And I kept working on my orders again : D

Now I´m going to make breakfast, my men just woke up ; )

Have a nice day!!!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh wie nett! Ja es ist ein herrliches Plätzchen dort - da war ich schon als Kind unterwegs*g* - Und einen Fischreiher hatten meine Eltern (wohnen im Prater/Gartensiedlung) auch letztens plötzlich im Garten stehen:-)

